In accordance with the provisions of article 10 of Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, and Royal Decree-Law 13/2012 of March 30 (LSSICE), all of our clients, users and visitors about the legal information related to the company that owns the website located at the Internet address:
Company name: VIDEO PROMOCIÓN S.L.
Tax identification number: B29071784
Registered office address: Calle Antonio de Nebrija nº35 (P.E. El Pinillo) 29620 TORREMOLINOS (Málaga)
Telephone: (+ 34) 952378391
Incorporation data at the notary:
Incorporated in Malaga by public deed number 35,393 granted by D. Pedro Díaz Serrano, Public Notary, of the Illustrious Association of Granada Protocol, under the protocol No. 2363 DIARY: 39
Registration data in the House of Companies:
House of Company of MÁLAGA in volume 1477
Book: 390 Folio: 67 Sheet: MA-14721 Registration Order: 1st
This legal notice establishes the conditions of use of the website made available to Internet users by the company “VIDEO PROMOCIÓN S.L. ". Hereinafter VIDEO PROMOTION
Access to the website attributes the condition of user and implies full and unreserved acceptance by the user of each and every one of the conditions included in this legal notice.
The content of this legal notice can be modified, therefore, the user's acceptance will be made in accordance with the version of the legal notice published by “VIDEO PROMOTION” at the time the user enters the website. Therefore, each time users access to the website, they should read this legal notice carefully.
The simple access to this website does not imply any commercial relationship between “VIDEO PROMOCIÓN and the user.
The use of certain services offered by the website may be subject to special conditions that, in some cases, replace, complete and / or modify this Legal Disclaimer. Access to these services will imply acceptance of the special conditions established.
VIDEOPROMOCIÓN informs you that the personal data provided through the forms on this website or through emails
electronic, will be incorporated into a file of WEB USERS and will be treated in an automated manner and will adopt the necessary technical and organizational measures that guarantee the security of the data provided in order to avoid alterations, losses, treatments or unauthorized access, according to the current state of technology and in accordance with the provisions of current regulations.
By sending the existing forms on this website, the sender gives his consent to be included in the aforementioned file in order to provide the information requested in the forms or subscriptions.
VIDEOPROMOTION, however, cannot guarantee the absolute challenge of the system, the access network, the Internet and therefore the violation of the data through fraudulent access to them by third parties.
The user will respond in any case of the veracity of the information provided and is responsible for communicating to VIDEOPROMOCIÓN any modification on the same, being VIDEOPROMOCIÓN exempt from any responsibility in this regard.
All trade marks, logos, trade names, distinctive signs, services, content, videos, texts, photographs, graphics, images, sounds, videos, design, software, links and information of any kind that appear on this website constitute a work whose property has "VIDEO PROMOTION" or third party owners of these, who have duly authorized their inclusion on the web.
Pursuant to articles 8 and 32.1 of the Law on Intellectual Property, the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including its method of making available, of all or part of the contents of this website are expressly prohibited in any support and by any technical means, without the authorization of VIDEOPROMOTION.
The user may view, print, copy and store the elements of this website as long as it is solely and exclusively for personal and private use.
The unauthorized use of the information contained in this Website, as well as the infringement of the rights of Intellectual or Industrial Property of VIDEOPROMOTION, will give rise to the legally established responsibilities.
The access is free, so VIDEOPROMOCIÓN is not responsible for the consequences, damages or damages that derive from access to its website, or the use made of the information it contains Intellectual and industrial property rights.
Users who are underage must obtain prior permission from their parents, guardian or legal representative before accessing the information contained on the website and making use of the services offered.
VIDEOPROMOCIÓN does not guarantee the inexistence of errors in the access to the Web, in its content, nor that this one is updated, although it will develop its better efforts to, in its case, avoid them, to correct them or to update them.
This website provides the user with access to information and content for which the user assumes responsibility, extending this to the registration process that may be necessary to access certain services or content.
In the registration process the user will also be responsible for providing truthful, legitimate and updated information, as well as making diligent and confidential use of the access data provided.
The user undertakes to make proper use of the information, content and services of this website and especially not to take any action that could cause physical or logical damage to the system, as well as try to access it fraudulently using data from unauthorized access
Both access to this website and the use that may be made of the information contained therein is the sole responsibility of the person who performs it. The user will be responsible for all actions performed with his user ID. VIDEO PROMOTION will not be liable for any consequences, damages or losses that may arise from such access or use of the information.
This website may use "cookies" in its performance, informing the user of its objective of improving the provision of the services offered, adapting them to the user's preferences and recognizing them in their different visits to the site. Cookies are only associated with an anonymous user and his computer and do not provide references that allow him to deduce personal data from it.
Applicable legislation and competent Courts.
The terms and conditions that govern this website, as well as the relationships that may arise, are protected and are subject to Spanish law. For the resolution of any type of disputes that may arise between the user for the use of this website, the parties agree to submit to the Courts and Tribunals of MÁLAGA.
This express submission clause to the courts of the city of MÁLAGA will not be applicable for the cases of litigation with the users of the Website, that under the in force legislation, have the status of consumers, in which case both parties will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Courts of residence of the consumer.
Professional advice from our team throughout the project
We offer a wide range of equipment adapted to each event
We always meet the deadlines agreed with our clients